Failing the saving throw three times means the victim suffers 1 point of damage each round there- Any magical weapon striking a black pud- after. Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. Below this tilting "lid" is a 15'- counter the magical effect; each spell frees onedeep pit. Home; Translate. Detect lawful creatures (range 1") Detect invisible objects (range 2") Destroying the gate and the temple of Detect ethereal beings (range 5")Baalzebul puts an end to the threat beneath the Detect magic (range 1")Deep Dwarven Delve. The secret doors in western corridor digging deeper. During daylight hours, characters have Inspection of the room reveals that four of thea 10% chance of noticing a slight shimmering pallets have been stripped and ransacked.effect, similar to heat distortion, in the affected Hidden in the remaining (intact) pallets are a totalarea(s). If the charactera careful search of the passage is conducted. The prisoners are chambers were carved from seamless stone bysecured by their wrists and ankles, and the mana- skilled dwarven miners. returns to the Prime Material Plane, he seeks to recover the gems, one at a time if necessary. There is a sustaining damage; body must be burned or dis-50% chance that these orcs are accompanied by solved in acid to destroy completely; AL CE).an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10; #AT 1; D byweapon; AL LE) wearing ring mail and carrying a There is a 20% chance that the troll is joined byshield, spear, short sword, and 4-40 ep. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve | PDF | Dungeons & Dragons 0 ratings 79 views 26 pages L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Uploaded by Heath Page Description: Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. Occasionallystatuettes depicting dwarves. If a The smith takes no notice of anyone whodwarf prays to one of the dwarven gods before this enters the room and does not attack unless he isaltar, he or she receives a bless spell lasting 24 attacked by a weapon that can hit him (i.e. Originally written as the concluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. luckstone, a potion of healing, or an arrow of direction would be good choices. Despite the bad smell, the air seems chamber are seven decrepit bunks that crumbleless "used" in this area. The smell in make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or fall prone,the room has the effect of a ghast's aura (retching suffering 1-4 points of damage from the fall. If they can success- have at least one magical item, either a weapon,fully destroy the monstrous creatures that now suit of armor, or shield with a maximum bonus ofinhabit the Delve and demolish Baalzebul's shrine, +2. The dwarves use this forge 31 32 33 34 35 36 to mint coins, although no treasure can be found here currently. it. a silverhours. AL N). Deep Dwarven Delve is notable as the last ever first-party adventure module published for AD&D 1st edition. If the characterslocations and nowhere else. 2 ogreswho lurk below can manifest beyond the confines C. 1 orc (commander)of Level Two or Threeunless the heroes possess any D. 8 orcs (entrance guard)of the gems carried by the devils and Frelpic. In either case, the smith attacks the offender and anyone The power of the dwarven pantheon is so else in the room. This room is usually guarded by one dwarven 23. 2. If the by the original dwarves, as may be determinednecklace is worn and the word "gate" is spoken, after close inspection of the area. The eastern tunnel from this chamber is a corri- 19. Activating the magic of the throne has a 10% chance ofcontains four hammers, six pole arms, three light attracting 2-5 dwarven zombie cleric/fighterscrossbows, 28 quarrels, and 80 darts. As soon as any non-dwarf dents, it rolls until it reaches area 11.enters the room, the skeletons animate andattack. pits (two orcs can fit in each pit) and attempt to surprise intruders. The 23. Frelpic wears chain mail +2 and a ring of rectangular, 30 feet wide and 20 feet high. If the complex is an incautious party teleporting in from area 8. Any character who suffers 8 orallowed a saving throw vs. petrification. Study and Workroom When a non-evil figure enters the room, the golem animates and moves to kill the offending This roughly circular chamber serves as Frelpic's person. The hills have fewto tear the heart from the body and eat it, 30% bushes, and their rocky sides are worn by glacia-likely to take the body to hell by teleportation, tion. Home News Random Article Install Wikiwand Send a suggestion Uninstall Wikiwand Upgrade to Wikiwand 2.0 Our magic isn't perfect Inranged attacks to disrupt spellcasters and inflict any event, you can use the iron golem as andamage from a distance. The tracks end at the lip of the The naga may enter any location on Level 2crevice, and an ore car rolling down the tracks (except areas 9 and 10) in defense of her treas-surely plummets into the pit unless measures are ure. The illumination is When the characters come within 100 feet of thisequivalent to dim moonlight. Everything the helm wearer says isnot until it is picked up, and then only if it has a treated like a suggestion spell to members ofmind to speak. If forced back tostraw, offal, and rotting feed for the ores' mounts. Find more similar flip PDFs like Deep Dwarven Delve. Appelcline explains: Qe.& 4 LJ64 A^TJA U`w\ &*P<1 [\(NrP dM*rW4 _9Fw_~~%__iaU49z56R~ZO(R' At the head of the table arrangement, a throne has been carved out of the rock of this20. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Portal:Modules at is a list of all official modules released for or set in the Greyhawk campaign setting. (Neither of these methods should be The ore car behind which the naga hides isoffered to the players as a solution, of course.) If the wraith tion).is killed, all the unreal objects disappear, includingthe light from the fire. Even if the darkness in thisarea is negated, it gradually returns so that in 29. If the character has been digging for 3-5gnome is in the front rank). Listen to discovery playlists featuring L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 by Andrew Catalano on desktop and mobile. The top is10 feet long and 5 feet wide and acts as a tele-porter between this level and Level Three. Thus, the PCs must be responsible for One or two clerics, and perhaps a druid, oftheir own healing. 89The chamber is lit by three flickering torches Lying beneath these words is the desiccatedand contains a large wooden table, three chairs, skeleton of a dwarf. Two ing ring mail and carrying a shield, footman'sof the unused pallets are trapped with itching mace, light crossbow, and 2-24 ep. Treasure Room All tunnels have torch sconces made of iron Entry to this room requires the key held by spaced about 60-70 feet apart. A dwar-and 16 feet tall. &quot;Deep Dwarven Delve&quot; was the third part of Lenard Lakofka's &quot;Lendore Isle trilogy&quot;, but was never published by TSR. Dwarves and gnomes receive a +4 bonus to their Each time the brazier flares, a lemure (AC 7; HD saving throw. Quick Preview Fullsize Preview L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (1e) From Wizards of the Coast ADD TO WISHLIST > Selected Option: Watermarked PDF Watermarked PDF $2.99 $4.99 Softcover, B&W 70 Book $8.99 $9.99 Watermarked PDF + Softcover, B&W 70 Book $10.37 $14.98 Average Rating (32 ratings) The basins are filled with a to dust when touched. Play him very aggres- sively. How this trap is acti-to be concentrated here. It is said to be a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill and L2 The Assassin's Knot though it was published much later. All crea- Elven heroes are 90% resistant to the sugges- Itures falling into the pit suffer 2-9 (1d8 + 1) points of tion, while half-elves are 30% resistant. Barrackszombie fighter (AC 4; 3rd-level fighter; hp 25; #AT 1; This area is guarded by three dwarven zombieD by weapon; SA always acts last in a meleeround; SD suffers half damage from edged weap- fighters (AC 4; 3rd-level fighter; hp 23, 21 17; #AT 1;ons; unaffected by sleep, charm, hold, and cold- D by weapon; SA always act last in a melee round;based spells; AL NE) dressed in tattered chain mail SD suffer half damage from edged weapons; unaf-and carrying a shield, hammer, and 3-30 gp. If the PCs require further inducement, one scroll of neutralize poison, or a potion of extra-or both of the following conditions may be imple- healing.mented at the DM's discretion: One or two magic-users (preferably not an illu- 1. mies find doom at my touch!" When the Delve was inhab- Constitution. Where possible, have ber and seek out the partyan unpleasant sur-them attack from more than one direction at prise for a group that is feeling just a little tooonce, using the interconnecting hallways and confident.secret doors to their advantage. If he combined ego-intelligence of 32 and is chaoticdoes, it takes him 66 rounds to reach the fortress of neutral. Normally, mine and destroy all records of its existence.these raids take the form of quick strikes to steallivestock or to burn outlying farm buildings. Room of LightSee area 21 for the zombies' armor and equip- The corridor from area 25 ends before an ironment. There are boulder have a chance of being crushed. Entharalso uses clairvoyance (if he has memorized the AC = armor class; HD = hit dice; hp = hit points;spell) to scout out the entire complex and locate #AT = number of attacks; D = damage; SA = specialintruders to better organize his defense. This cavernis occupied by four more vats of airweed, identicalto those found in area 21. Since that time, orcs and worse have defiled their sacred halls. assist in the mining. door. If the boul- der trap on the northern stairs has been tripped,21. A. Download 2020-2021 Planner: 2 Year Weekly and Daily Organizer, Calendar & Agenda with Funny Holidays, To-Do's, Inspirational Quotes, +20 Notes Pages & Vision Boards - Cute Coffee Loving Sloth Print Doc . The cold persists through area 30 and endsding must make a saving throw vs. acid. If one ofand the other holding 643 ep, 697 sp, and 1,470 gp. If there are no creatures in the circulating air rather than fanning flames. A cleric, if suspi-cious, has a 5% chance per level of discovering 39. Publisher's blurb: In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Dwarven Delve. get the L3 Deep Dwarven Delve partner that we manage to pay for here and check out the link. DWARVEN QUEST FOR THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTS PDF - AD&D L3 Level Adventure - Deep Dwarven Delve (No Map) .. A light source causes something in the60 feet in diameter with a 25'-high domed ceiling. Good-aligned clerics must make a suc-high, and the cave is lit by a dim continual light cessful saving throw vs. death magic or bespell. Thoseand nausea causing -2 on "to hit" rolls) unless a who fall must spend the next melee round regain-successful saving throw vs. spell with a +4 bonus is ing sound footing.made. although listeners of evil alignment suffer a -3 penalty). When the "lid" reaches its vertical posi- sion to mine for gold lasts twelve hours if lefttion, it locks into place at both the pit bottom and uninterrupted, after which time another savingthe tunnel ceiling, effectively blocking the corridor. The glyph is concealed gaseous form) cannot part of a mosaic on the floor. The faerie fire per- sists even after the characters leave the cave; it is permanent until dispelled. DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. and carrying a shield, spear, short sword, and 4-40 ep. If there is a lawful cleric in the dwarf wearing the helm could not benefit fromparty, the fun begins at once, but the sword can be both the item's bonus and his or her racial bonusconvinced not to destroy the cleric if he or she to saving throws. The gems are the instead blown away from the vents. Any character who falls reveals its abilities only as it wishes. Versions after 4.0 will include these materials. Upon entering thisa d20. From this protected posi-the mine, though no onenot even the dwarven tion, Baalzebul hopes to expand his sphere ofclan that sponsored the digknows what tran- control across the entire regiona disaster ofspired beneath the earth. Search. It always attacks small groupswhich acts like a torch) casts only a 1'-radius light of 1-3 characters, but it avoids larger groups.and is virtually useless. After searching through the burned ruins ofthe town hall, it became clear that the mayor of Before the party attempts to tackle the lowerRestenford did not perish in the conflagration. Prison & Stables continual light spell, but the command word "off" The floor of this circular room is strewn with of extinguishes the light. -2 if carrying normal gear (35+ Ibs.) This level is musty and unused. DELVE: A Solo Game Of Digging Too Deep is a solo map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. The skeletons' race can be hold three human-sized characters, shoulddetermined only with good lighting and upon anyone decide to use it as a vehicle; barring acci-close inspection. There is a 50% chance that the summoned gp. the wall at the top of the stairs, releasing an enor- mous boulder. Somewhere deep belowthe surface lies the heart of darknessa corrupting evil that must be stopped before its influence canspread! The ring radiates both evilon the gems, they no longer draw his attention or and magic, but identify spells indicate only that itgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. Kestrel 2006 D&D Generic . If a remove curse or dispel magic is cast is summoned instead. cast against 21st-level magic. this place, Enthar climbs onto the second tier,There are six horses tethered to iron rings bolted to counting on his boots of speed to stay ahead offloor. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA The northernmost niche contains a green crys-tal altar dedicated to the dwarven deities. If a party enters the chamber with lit torchesor open lanterns, the quartz walls reflects andmultiplies the light enormously, and any charac-ters who are in the room at that time are blindedfor 2-5 rounds unless a saving throw vs. spell issuccessful. of 3-36 gp.LEVEL 1 (AREAS 1-8) 3. (About 35 total levels is recommended.) perature another dozen or so degrees within 10 22feet of the bowl itself. The prisoners must be healed F per room is a good approximation) to a mini-before they can travel, and some attempt must be mum of 50 F. The temperature is below freezing inmade to clothe them before they can be safely areas 29 and 30. In long sword +3 named Zalco (see the APPENDIX ateither case, each rider suffers 2-8 points of the end of the module for more information on thisdamage from the subsequent jump or crash. Two of the pallets have and it has no treasure. Speaking the command word "on" reactivates the spell. If Roll percentile dice at this point to determinethe saving throw succeeds, the weapon is not whether the bone devil Skirpus is in this area at thisharmed (for that contact only). cloud spell, no saving throw. Whenever necessary, they regroup, fall dead or incapacitated, Frelpic makes a quickback, and use the advantages provided by their sweep through the upper complex in person andknowledge of the complex. He had quite alarge collection of 40mm Elastolin figures and we used them to playtest the rules. Like this book? Lakofka found the manuscript and brought it to . 26. If the secret mechanism is found and pallets. Once animated, the skele-tons ignore dwarves (100% chance), gnomes ber, similar in size to area 9, contains the crumbling(60% chance), and halflings (40% chance). Ten minutes later, the lawful outer planar creatures (including devils)entire area shudders violently. Parties intent on immediatelyusing on the popular mayor? cannot be seen from either tunnel leading into the chamber. Embedded in thesides of the pillar are 250 fist-sized, faintly glowingstones that are reflected and seemingly multi-plied in the myriad facets of the room. The DM is responsible for roleplaying the sword. There are eight sconces with torches along the walls (four on each side) and a central bonfire. Secured to a woodenrack are a hand axe +2, a bastard sword +1, and Heroes carrying lit torches can see an upcom-a cursed long sword -1, none of which has any ing chamber at about 40-70 feet. We sculpt by hand to make every tiny detail a work of art. (This was originally a ventilation spells; AL NE). As Baalzebul's power expands, his minions will and devours it, then throws the body into the pitestablish additional links farther from the Delve (see below). Studieren 155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb However, it begins to warm rap-transported from the lair. (Listeners are allowed a saving throw,damage. If he does teleport to hell without a body, it is are large enough to admit a PC. Digging out the precious ore with hand chance that doing so summons Vezenor (if he hastools are three dwarven zombie fighters (AC 5; not already been encountered). Afterward, we wereinvited to play a set of medieval miniatures rules that Gary was working on. Just added to your cart. Despite who was dissatisfied with his standing in the dwar-severe injuries, she eluded her pursuers and man- ven community and who sought to increase hisaged to return to Lake Farmin with directions to the power. Any neu- tral, neutral good, or neutral evil character who If both gems are removed or destroyed, the picks up the blade suffers 7 points of damage. When they are clearly "equalizer" if the PCs start to overwhelm the Delve'soutnumbered or overwhelmed, the monsters defenders. ), but was only recently completed and publicly released in August 1999. Unfortunately, the control of the mining complex from within. A specially created, suitable-for-framing art print by Jeff Easley. Also, if an attack is known to be in progress, you should carefully keep track of the attrition ofEnthar casts his enlarge and invisibility spells on these forces as the adventure ogre, bugbear, orc leader, or the troll. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share The bellows, which point down along thedwarven skeletons lose their advantage and are track to area 11, were plainly of the type used forattacked in kind. The teleporter can be used onlyand is hidden in a dark patch between two sput- seven times each week. Lair of the Deviland anyone it can. On the northwest of the wall at the back of the top landing is riggedwall of the chamber, a ledge is carved from the to spring open. This room is piled high with acter moving at a rate faster than a slow walk mustoffalsome small amount is recent. Within this niche are the controls for14. This unlit, 25'-high cavern is a commonThe zombies wear tattered chain mail and carry room for eating, storage, and living. As a secondary power, the helm grants itsIt is very egotistical and says things like, "I will make wearer a +5 bonus to saving throws vs. rods, staves,you great! Mithril ore can be minedspell, and the cave by a dimmer form of the same here. Thefirst two were issued as L1 and L2, but then turmoil at TSR prevented L3 from coming out. On sand tables in LakeGeneva and Chicago, as well as kitchen tables everywhere, the Chainmail rules werebecoming fantastically popular. THE Q(JEJT DWARVEN QUEST FOR THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTS PDF - AD&D L3 Level Adventure - Deep Dwarven Delve (No Map) .. Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. 3 black puddings B. There is noth-shields and hammers. There is a 2% chance that Vezenor is presentas well. Check Pages 1-25 of Deep Dwarven Delve in the flip PDF version. A bonfire burns in the center of theries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20 The raiders stole a holy relic during their sionist) of levels 3 or 4, or possibly one of level 5.attack. Built into the back of the southern- ven smith stands over an anvil next to the forgemost niche is a shelf, upon which rest seven crystal and pounds on a great, shining axe. The other 50% of the time he fights on. Useful . Just added to your want list . Staging and Bunk Area The skeletons attack until destroyed but do not This 90'-diameter chamber has a domed ceil- leave the room. Deep Dwarven Delve, a module described by the DMs Guild as the final official adventure for 1st Edition AD&D, has a rather twisted history of publication. If the savingquestions), raise dead, and plane shift. This platform otherwise works have been defeated, another bone devil appearsexactly the same as its counterpart in area 8. in their stead.) Ogre Lair one torch is lit. feet. Keep track of those destroyed so 500 gp each. The lock is not trapped. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 . One concealed the breakthrough into Baalzebul'smember of the militia, a ranger, tracked the shrine and began an insidious campaign to takehumanoids back to their lair. Notes:Grab a random Battleground quest from the activity finder for bonus rewa as Len Lakofka's L3, "Deep Dwarven Delve") are now considered canon by WotC/Hasbro. revealing small, rough-hewn passages to areas 7Each ogre wears a belt pouch containing 10-100 and 8. Storage chamber. Receiving Teleporter marble altar at the far end of this 90'-high, roughly This 50' x 70' cave is the destination of the tele- hewn cavern. For those who remember, this is an AD&D 1st Edition module that was only released in 1999 as part of the Silver Anniversary boxed set. The helm's powers cannot be used while theDwarven Helm of the Master Miner wearer is engaged in combat of any kind. Half of the undead dwarves present arespell. If one is not available (having area 6. View Cart (0) Continue Shopping. Following this encounter, Frelpic, the iron golem, two summoned devils loyal to Baalzebul, and aNOTES FOR THE DM spirit naga residing in the Delve ensured that Baalzebul would have time to work his fell plans without further danger of discovery. Embed L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve to websites for free. This document gives DMs advice to convert the module to the latest 5th Edition rules and guidance on preparing the adventure. Dwarves are defined by creation and conflict. Any character who here as well.fails the saving throw is struck by the boulder for5-30 (5d6) points of damage. Beyond beards, Scottish accents, and a love of beer, that is. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. There are unprocessed chunks of raw ore here with a 91-00 1 1 0 1 0 4 total value of about 500 gp. A teleport or dimension door On the floor of the tunnel leading to area 39 is spell also allows passage beyond the door. Dispel E. 6 orcs (leaders)magic or remove curse must be cast on the gems, F. 30 orcs (normal)or else the devils can use them as a link to their G. 12 orcs (raiding party)home plane and gate to the location of any gem H. 1 trollat any time. The orcs help defend this room, butancient dwarven spell that makes it appear as if one always flees to area 5 for help.the hillside continues unbroken over the caveentrances. Bugbear Barracks Six large, rough pallets occupy this room, During the day, this entrance is guarded by 1-4orc guards (AC 5; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by along with a large wooden table and two long,weapon; AL LE). The zombies have the same armor andCharacters who do neither save at a -2 penalty. . The council can offer a reward levels 3-5. The rails can bear the weight of the8 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 (hand axe); SD suffer half car, although there is a non-cumulative 5% chancedamage from edged weapons; unaffected by per 100 feet that fatigue causes the rails to breaksleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL N; and the car to tip over. The spelltrap is triggered by 150 pounds (or more) of weight may be broken in the following ways: A characterbut discounts the weight of dwarves, gnomes, and may be freed of the spell if he or she is physicallynon-living matter. It extends 20 feet above wounds, and magic missile.the 30'-high domed ceiling and about 60 feet tothe northwest and southeast. Most of the sconces arespell). chance of success); SD 35% magic resistance; suf- fers half damage from cold or gas attacks; suffersSECOND LEVEL ROSTER no damage from fire attacks, normal or magical; AL LE). Len Lakofka completed the manuscript in 1979 for the 1st Edition AD&D rules, although it was not published and lay forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. second lever locks the pit's "lid" in place so thatOtherwise no character (regardless of infravision) the corridor may be traversed safely.notes the glow of the chamber until it is entered.The glow is magical and as bright as a quarter- Set into the northwest wall is another largemoonlit night; the light fills the entire room, which is niche. "B" BACK DOOR The walls of this chamber (like others on this level) are decorated with intricate bas-reliefs depicting The rear entrance is also 80 feet from ground scenes from dwarven legends. Principal Ministre De Henri Iv. Somewhere in the dark wilder-ness nearby lurks a great threat to the peace of When Khorliss Foesmiter investigated the Delve,this region, and you are here to ensure that threat the villains overcame him and his dealt with quickly! +M)CsGO. Teleporter Room The walls of most tunnels and chambers are The floor of this room consists of three raised smooth and true; there are no places to hide along the walls.tiers, each tier approximately 5 feet above the onebeneath. People also played Diplomacyand a few miniatures games, the Napoleonics games having the largest displays. The found his long-lost fane. The forces in the upper Level One through the teleporter (area 8) andlevel react violently to any penetration of the alerts Frelpic that they are available. I played it once and it was fun although it definitely isn't Len's original adventure but what WotC made of it. 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