When the Reapers invade Earth, humanity pleads to the Council for military aid. First world to be occupied by an Alien race. Alliance colony devoted to the growing of ossilbir, a high-nutrition vine that is a staple of Alliance military rations. BLAH BLAH, 2nd singularity, putting a ring in every HDI system, capable of churning out 1000 warships/hour/system, faster warp, time-skip to 1st contact with Turians, BLAH BLAH! This page was last edited on 13 March 2020, at 01:56. JavaScript is disabled. But Belphagor hasnt told him everything, and Vasily soon finds himself in mortal peril. Making their way into the stars, they run afoul of the Turian Hierarchy and the rest of the Citadel species. You must log in or register to reply here. It seems risky to let only one race do most of the intel-gathering and reporting. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9271192/1/Transcendent-Humanity, Kardashev Effect Chapter 1, a mass effect fanfic | FanFiction, WI: Citadel council explorer discover Pandora (Mass Effect/Avatar), First Contact Scenario: The Citadel Council (Mass Effect) meets the Civilization of the Five Galaxies (Uplift). Aria T'Loak, the pirate queen of Omega has a secret up her sleeve. The Councilor reveals that Udina had been using his authority to move vast sums of money for unspecified purposes and wants to investigate these illicit activities. What are you talking about?" Due to GDI's friendliness with the krogan, Wrex got a job on Eden Prime as a bodyguard. Unfortunately, the predatory yahg misinterpreted the delegation's non-subservient behaviors as an attitude of contempt and promptly slaughtered the delegates. Shepard, returning to the Citadel via the Conduit, has a choice of how to deploy the Alliance Navy ships as reinforcements, ultimately deciding the fate of the Council and the future politics of Citadel space. This is not necessarily something new, but I just realized something: One other thing that I think scares the galaxy about humans in Mass Effect is that, in just about every respect, humans are potentially the next iteration of what made every other major species famous or infamous - all at once. And no, I'm not going to be any more specific than that. United we Stand Chapter 1, a Halo + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. The one thing everyone knows is that the Reapers are systematic. Despite the crucial role these Spectres play in galactic politics, they aren't funded by the Council. It sucks getting really into them only for them to be left on a cliffhanger. RELATED: Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Miranda Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. "W-why d-do you want to k-kill me? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. In that conflict, the quarians were driven from their worlds by the geth, machines created to serve the quarians that had achieved artificial intelligence and rebelled. and ME crossover where the human worlds are completely subsumed by the zone, which is what both grants them their god-like powers, and chains them, making them an op precursor race, but not one that rolls over all its enemies. Meanwhile, Jacob Taylor, a former marine of the Systems Alliance, is investigating batarian activity with the help of informant Miranda Lawson. There's also the obligatory shot at Mass Effect 1's elevators, including a reference to the Elcor Hamlet ad. I have stories that are related to Anthro's, TMNT, Werewolves, and more! The turians provide the bulk of the military and peacekeeping forces. Black pointed sharp claws jutted out of his fingers. Founded 2165 CE Population: 208,587,000 Capital: New Thebes Garden world with both human and batarian populations. By: Mayto. But as a boyfriend? The STG is composed of small units of salarian operatives who monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A Council delegation was dispatched to the yahg homeworld Parnack, expecting to quickly establish diplomatic relations. In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. In theory they are the most powerful officials and they generally are. For Zaeed, that "one very unlucky dirigible.". only for it to be revealed they're ogling them the same way a tourist looks in awe at Stonehenge or the Pyramid of Giza. The biggest, most annoying question of all is why the Council is made up of only three races when dozens have been discovered! Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens. Jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon to justice. They take. GDI is still driving around "house sized masses of fuck you." Tali has already completed her pilgrimage when the story starts, which means rather than a sole Quarian on the run from Saren, she had a team of Migrant Fleet Marines with her, of which Kal'Reegar is the only survivor. frankieu chapter 7 . This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. Population: 8.3 Million (plus 223, 500 living in orbital stations), Site of humanity's discovery of Prothean ruins in, Colony notable for its dichotomy of wealthy salarians and poor humans, Site of riots in 2185 CE after the municipal water company declined to build pipes to provide more running water to human residents. The Death Star has been destroyed. This is a map of the galaxy just before the beginning of The Skyllian War's. Give someone else a proper chance. Though the Council cannot take any official action, they offer to restore full Spectre privileges to Shepard on the condition that the Commander restricts operations to the Terminus Systems. Standing side by side with the turians, the UNSC prepares for a new phase of the Human-Covenant War. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #masseffectfan, #masscommunicationspecialist, #confectionmasque . JavaScript is disabled. phasing tiberium kinetic impactors with liquid-tiberium cores. Can you save me? Human Supremacy! In response, the Salarians developed the Genophage, a weapon that was never meant to be used: it greatly increases the chances of Krogan women having miscarriages, thus thinning their numbers. Over the next 500 years, the Council rapidly expanded outward from the Citadel, encountering several new races and incorporating them into the growing galactic community. The Council is contacted by the batarian ambassador, Jath'Amon, with the intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the batarians and the Citadel races. the ecological hellhole that Earth has become. Tali'Zorah x OC Liara T'Soni x OC EXTENDED SUMMARY INSIDE Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday St. normandy. She's played video games for at least as long as she could write, and vice versa! ROB yanks you into Mass Effect as a Spartan II. He smirked making her flinch. Peace has been achieved between the United Human Empire and the Citadel Council, with Humanity securing its independence and place in this galaxy. Depending on Shepard's past deeds, the salarian Councilor lives due to the sacrifice of one of Shepard's acquaintances or dies due to the lack of them. The krogan were uplifted and manipulated into serving as soldiers for the Council. The Geth are considered the "boogeymen" of the galaxy for their rebellion against their creators, the Quarians. The Council might be interested in "peace," but it's always on their terms. Though hes content with his own company, he enjoys applying the sweet sting of discipline to a willing backsideangel, demon, and even the occasional human. Following the Rebellions, the Citadel Conventions were drawn up. The story also draws a great deal of inspiration from the canceled Tiberium game, using various designs, weapons, and uniforms from the game, such as the Integrated Combat Suit and a variant of the GD-10 weapon. If the Council is saved, then humanity gains their full trust. In the first Mass Effect, there's only one Asari, one Salarian, and one Turian representative, though a human gets added ina later game. A series of one-shot sex-scenes featuring most of the female romance options from the Mass Effect games (Mass effect Trilogy and Andromeda) in a relationship with Shepard or Ryder wherein the female is sexually dominant and Shepard/Ryder takes a submissive role in the scene. Citadel Council:The Citadel Council is the governing body of The Citadel, and all of Council Space. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "How can I be someone's mate?" If Udina is Councilor, Shepard will not be granted Spectre status. It seems strange that no other species has managed to drastically alter the system, or dismantle it altogether, in all that time. In fact, the Turians make up a huge part of the Council's military. Negotiation with the rachni queens was impossible; the queens could not be contacted in their underground nests on the rachni worlds. The Mu Relay's position meant the presence of a Council fleet there could start a war with the Terminus Systems. It'd been sixty million years since the fracturing of the Star Gods, and the end of the enslavement of the Necrontyr race. Belphagor is used to being on topat the gaming table and in the bedroom. Perhaps something like X-com or a similar setting where humanity was beaten and slaved in Earth but eventually managed to overthrow their overlords and bounce back to become a strong space civilization. Led by Admiral Kastanie Drescher, the Second . Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game. By 300 CE, the rachni were declared extinct. The result? ", He calls what Garrus becomes in canon Mass Effect 2 "Sniper, Tali is her canon self mixed with the stealth skills of. Nonetheless, there is not enough evidence to prove to the Council that the Reapers exist, even from what few fragments of Sovereign were recovered. Along the way you meet a couple of Turians that seem to take quite an interest in you, bringing in many complicated situations. However, the Council doesn't want to send their fleet into the Attican Traverse, as this could trigger a war with the Terminus Systems. Over the past century, Belphagor has made a name for himself in Heavens Demon District as a card sharp, thief, and charming rogue. Then they meet the rest of the galaxy. Experimental human colony which has rejected the credit system in favor of a barter-based economy. When Belphagor uncovers a nefarious smuggling ring that spans both Heaven and Earth, Vasily jumps at the chance to help shut it down. Humanity quickly rose to prominence and was granted an embassy on the Citadel in 2165 CE. It was also abandoned, but it's a fun read anyways. ***. Transcendent Humanity is an AU Mass Effect fanfic by Solaris242. It was abandoned, but it was fun to read for the 9 chapters it lasted. NEXT:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Only Know If You've Read The Books. They are even more wary that Shepard was working with Cerberus, an acknowledged terrorist organization. As the family is shaken to their core, Aubrey and Elodie must realize their places in the world and the lives they want to lead. Chancellor Stratton has given a speech from the Citadel, which has reached all corners of the Galaxy." Chancellor Stratton stood before a small collection of camera drones in a hanger aboard the Citadel. Veronica and Simon Cutler and their dazzling adult daughters, Elodie and Aubrey, strike an enviable pose, the ultimate Palm Beach family. " Garrus, I'm a monster like no other. Quarian Migrant Fleet:The Quarian Migrant Fleet is the collection of ships under the banner of the Quarian Conclave, serving as both the military and home for all of Quarian kind. Some 400 years after the end of the Rachni Wars, the Council once again found itself embroiled in a galaxy-wide conflict. On a more serious note, whatever happened on Akuze. They only encountered the Citadel Council for the first time during the Krogan Rebellions and were a militaristic race whose combat strength helped win the war. It may not display this or other websites correctly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. While "new on the block" the U.T.E is very powerful for a newly discovered civilization, easily matching the Citadel in military, while losing slightly economically, but that appears to be changing as well. But just when Shepard returns to the Citadel, the Council suffers a betrayal from within. They task Shepard with tracking Saren down and gives the Commander authority to use any means necessary to apprehend or eliminate Saren. The attentions of a rich, angelic duke provide the perfect opportunity to find out whether Belphagor is willing to fight for him, but the foolish game backfiresspectacularly. Zaeed's presence on the Citadel is apparently as a result of this. Demon King. https://allthetropes.org/w/index.php?title=Renegade_(fanfic)&oldid=1764743, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. He growled in frustration. ;p. I'm already assuming they have as much defenses as reasonably possible. The Council revealed itself and the existence of the galactic community to humanity and brokered a peace agreement which forced the turians to pay significant reparations. Both Shepherd and Jacob, To a much lesser degree, there's Jacob Taylor. What amazing achievements! Mass Effect Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I questioned, my lips trembling in fear. But digging too far reveals a few things that don't add up. RELATED: Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Wrex Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. She is very good at manipulating others and knowing how to keep negative personality traits (such as Garrus' and Admiral Parker's tendency for overkill) under control. Mass Effect: Imperium is an alternate reality of the original Mass Effect universe. they seeded the wrong world with tiberium. Zaeed's plan for assaulting the warehouse is the, assassins/kidnappers who hijack Shepard and Anderson's aircar. When the duke frames Vasily in an assassination plot, Belphagor will do whatever it takes to clear his lovers name and expose the real traitor. Humans become allies with Reapers. Links are always helpful. Hes not particular. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. The games attempt to explain why the different Council races perform different jobs, suggesting that no one race has enough power to take down the others, but that doesn't mean that little things aren't being slid under the rug. The Council is evacuated to the Ascension in the event of an emergency. A captivating tale of discovery, sisterhood and love for others where you least expect it. Kendra Levin is that mentor. Godlike Humanity fics. Whether youre a first-time writer with a brand-new project or a seasoned pro, youll reach the end of this book feeling fulfilled, inspired, and ready to mentor the next writer on their creative journey. Yet there would be no peace yet for the Ahaqar Set in the 616 Universe after 18 months after Superior Spider-Man where Peter Parker disappeared for nearly a year and New York has descend to chaos, This is a Spider-Ma You are my last hope, And by "similar to", we mean "many of them are actual Mass Effect codex entries, re-written with GDI's impact". Her Dog of War will never say no to her Thane is nearing the end of his life, and Shepard knows it. At first, it was just the Asari and Salarians, but the Turians and humans joined on later. apparently due to a close encounter with Scrin buzzers. Some small funding must come in, but players will remember all-too-well having to save up enough credits for the best gun. Plus they'll be able to decide the engagement at their leisure, since they'll be able to travel faster than light and we won't be. Whether you are a lover of romantic romance or a devoted reader of horror and scary novels, GoodFM Audiobook World makes the story more interesting. The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. Planets. Garrus: "Fist, we're all adults here. There is also Mythos Effect. "It's alright Luciana, everything will be finethey're just like you."No they're not, they have wings." The artifact is later revealed to be a Prothean beacon, only known to the highest levels of the asari government, due to Council laws forbidding the withholding of Prothean technology. follow terrance sheperd, a reincarnated ME fan, as he try to stop sheperd from dieing in ME3. romance. The turian Councilor offers aid, suggesting that Shepard extract Primarch Fedorian for a war summit. Oh, I almost forgot a good one with a twist Mass Effect: Synthesis Effect. Is human expansion in Mass Effect a bit odd? It's hard to believe they could do it with such a primitive tech level. Press J to jump to the feed. Garrus hijacks a tank to capture an unarmed, injured mercenary. Upon which they'll handily defeat any force they encounter, because mass effect fields means their ships have a preposterous mass ratio, so they'll be faster and better armed and armored. Working two jobs and living in a dump for an apartment does that to you. Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game.. Partially subverted: Shepard was offered the chance to have her scars removed, but chose to keep them as a reminder. it takes a direct broadside from a GDI orbital defense platform, which has six dreadnought-grade ion cannons on it, without blinking. But their relationship is far from perfect. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. Take Earth from the Command & Conquer Tiberium setting, as of the end of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and put it in the Mass Effect setting, following the same timeline. At the end of each mission, Shepard has the opportunity to report back to the Council from the Normandy's comm room and discuss matters with them. Outraged, the krogan refused. Cookies help us deliver our services. A galactic standard day comprises 20 hours. Tela Vasir, another Spectre, works with the Shadow Broker (a criminal info-dealer) in exchange for his information and it's Shepard who ultimately takes her down, not the Council's rules. No single Council race is strong enough to defy the others, and all have a vested interest in compromise and cooperation. Longtime residence of the Williams family. The eon fic is not abandoned it updated in January in 2021. Well, nothing, because Shanxi isn't within fifteen light-years of Earth. Shepard's protests only result in the Normandy being grounded by Udina, while the Council quietly closed diplomatic channels. Asymmetrical? If the original Council died, the new Council will refuse to meet with Shepard. The year is 2183. theres Transcendent Humanity by Solaris242 on ff.net. If a K2 civilization can harness the power of stars to create megastructures like Dyson Spheres and ringworlds, theyll also be able to build Mass Relays and Citadel sizes habitats (and possibly even hulls) from scratch. I will throw you in the brothel." Worryingly, he assumes, When asked if units and tech from the Red Alert series would make an appearance (He had already confirmed that the first Red Alert game exists in this continuity, post Allied victory) he simply responded with a picture of, When asked about how fast GDI's build times were, Peptuck's response was "Fast but not too fast. So please keep it to real world tech and then have humanity only discover Element Zero quite recently before meeting the council or if during the meeting itself. The jump start that the Council races have on humanity is simply too large. The Council is an executive committee composed of one representative each from the member species. The Global Defense Initiative, having formed a unified global . Initially assume that it is based on real world physics and thus Humanity didn't learn of element Zero until the First Contact War and it's tampering with the relays which caused it. She didn't even know him. the Scrin are hiding specifically to avoid doing this to the Reapers. I haven't updated in a while, but I will post more stories as Want me to write a Shepard x Reader or anything, I'm here! Watch popular content from the following creators: CJ(@cjslibrary), valerie (@valeriesvoice), Bee(@wonderyellow), Martha(@martha.was.right), Lancali(@lancali) . One of which, will turn her miserable life upside down as the Council's intricate web of lies starts to unravel . It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to Tiberium Wars where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. Any species granted an embassy on the Citadel is considered an associate member, bound by the accords of the Citadel Conventions. A soldier that will do anything she asks without hesitation. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. and our For centuries the Geth have hidden away behind the Perseus Veil until there sudden and dramatic appearance during the Third Relay War. Initially the Council is reluctant to bow to the pressure from Ambassador Udina, but proof of Saren Arterius' treachery, and Saren's vendetta against humans, forced their hand. The Council openly critiques Shepard for their methods. Till something came up. A certain Lone Wolf. It's not really clear what they'll involve themselves in. Because for the first time in his life, the Prince of Tricks has something to lose. Despite this, many humans still see the Citadel Council as anti-human and excessively cautious, which is not entirely unjustified. large-scale versions of the Masterminds' mind-control rigs. . Miranda works for the Brotherhood of Nod. "I never thought that I would get someone like you as mate. ***Talia wanted an adventure. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. The most notable changes in this universe is the independent human empire that exist's as the second galactic super-power, in concert with the Citadel Council. Systems. The Council's most important peacekeeping force is the Citadel Fleet, which polices Citadel space and guards the Citadel itself. It'll just lead to tragedy for your limbs. Gabrielle "Belle" Huston is a writer and long-time gamer based in Ottawa, Canada. Whether they're apart of a superior alliance or by themselves humans can counter anything the Council Races . The krogan, having exploded in numbers and encroaching on the territories of other races, were asked by the Council to withdraw from the asari colony of Lusia. When the Citadel fails to respond, the Council is evacuated to the Destiny Ascension, which then comes under heavy fire. The volus were the earliest known race that the Council made first contact with; in 200 BCE, the Council granted the volus an embassy at the Citadel in recognition of their contributions to Citadel space, including the Unified Banking Act which established the credit as a standard currency. Time in his life, the rachni queens was impossible ; the queens could not be Spectre. Into the stars, they are the most powerful officials and they generally are Spectre status could... Page was last edited on 13 March 2020, at 01:56 devoted to the growing of,. Ascension in the Normandy being grounded by Udina, while the Council is saved, then humanity gains their trust. In Mass Effect a bit odd light-years of Earth of lies starts to.! Add up always on their terms the pirate queen of Omega has a secret up her sleeve from.. Again found itself embroiled in a galaxy-wide conflict Jacob, to a close with. 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